First up on my list were two sessions of Left 4 Dead one which was a complete success despite 12 restarts on the finale and one was a complete failure after breezing through the campaign only to be brought to a complete halt on the finale.
Saturday I believe it was myself, Zonf86, and my lovely wife MissLaceyT ventured out to conquer Dead Air. We breezed through the campaign only dieing I believe once on the third level, but the finale... oh man the finale is just brutal. The basic setup was that we would all get in the corner on the dirt hill and fire at the zombies as they rushed to us... it sounds awesome in theory but man it seemed to go south real quick once a smoker pulled on of us away... then it was like dominoes one of use would fall, then the next and so on. However after a grueling 2 hours and 36 minutes we pulled out a victory as we all climbed aboard the plane waving goodbye to Louis as the horde chowed down on his tasty innards.

Our second run through on Blood Harvest Monday met with disaster on the finale, words cannot describe how painful it was to constantly restart over and over only to be met with defeat. We did however fair a little better once Zonf86's friend joined up with us but due to a smoker tank combo our chance to win was quickly snuffed out. If anyone out there is interested we will be attempting this again either Friday or sometime this weekend be sure to check here for more details.

Smoker and Tank BFF
On a minor note got some Sacred 2 in over the weekend and got my Shadow Warrior to level 33 woohoo!
Hope everyone had a good and safe Memorial Day!
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