Lately we have been getting a session of Left 4 Dead versus in just about everyday with Zonf86 since we seem to be on right at the same time he is everyday. Yesterday however turned out to be really awesome with us dominating the other team right off the bat on the first map... I won't give away too many clues as to how we ambush because some of my readers may be against us on a private vs match.
Some things I have noted while playing public games and some good things to know when approaching this for the first time.
One of the glitches that I have just found out about is called "Ghost Swiping" somehow the hunter before spawning is able to swipe the survivors without ever having to spawn; While the damage it does it trivial at best it is none the less cheating and I recommend taking note of anyone you have not killed in awhile because they are more than likely the ones ghost swiping, I ask that you note the name so after the game you can submit feedback against them while it may not do much it will prevent them from being in the same game as you.
Another glitch I have seen is somehow you can call a vote to change the difficulty to easy, not really sure if it does anything but it seems that you have less health as a special, yet again I find it trivial as every time the other team has used it we have beaten them.
Team Killing -
I have noticed this in about 9 out of 10 games. There will be a team of two usually friends who will team kill the other people and call votes continually usually resulting in a locked vote since the other two are friends anyway. This to me ruins the spirit of the game and yet again if you see it remember the name and submit feedback.
Dying on Purpose -
This is a strange one that I have noticed. There are alot of players out there who just want to play as the infected and will kill themselves on purpose just to make sure they are infected first the next round... this one I am at a loss of words on I love playing as the infected but half the fun it matching your wits against a team of human special infected/survivors.
I am not on a high horse when I say submit feedback nor do I have a stick up my bum, I prefer to just play fair and have fun and I know when people do the above it really ruins the fun and spirit of the game.
Anywho if you are ever looking for a fair game of Left 4 Dead be sure to look me up Biohzrd451.
Till next time loyal readers!
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