Just A quick review of the new DLC out for Left 4 Dead 2 titled The Passing.
The passing is a bridge between the Dead Center and Dark Carnival Campaigns and sees our rag tag team of survivors meeting the cast from L4D.
Overall this DLC proved to be 100 times better than Crash Course which hit last year for L4D, and it seems like they threw in alot more humor as seen in the writings on the wall. I really only have one complaint and I noticed it only while playing Scavenge; We noticed that the hit detection seemed way off, firing point blank range into a zombie horde with a shotgun would down maybe one or miss altogether, also another example my friend was grabbed by a charger dropping his gas can right next to him, now me being the team player unload into the charger chest level up only to have the gan can which is on the ground explode with the text stating I destroyed a gas can.... now mind you I was using the AK-47 which to the best of my knowledge does not have shotgun like spread.
Altogether this is a really good piece of DLC and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to renew their passion for Left 4 Dead2. Despite the few bugs which more than likely will be fixed in the coming weeks I give the new DLC a 4 out of 5.
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